Wednesday, June 3, 2009

If Things Ended Well They Wouldnt End

Draft is in a week or so, got a head start on 2010, then 2011 is here and before you know it it's 2012. One thing at a time. I recorded 20 songs this week which was a tremendous after hours project. Im quite proud I can play the guitar now and I am even more proud I can carry a tune. I hopefully can get a full band to record all the songs with me eventually. The draft is coming up, I have that all in a row. There are a limited amount of things you can do to prepare for the draft but you have to make sure you do absolutely everything so you have your bases covered (no pun intended). I have tons of work to do as per usual and the travel season starts again shortly. Players are getting healthy thank god and Ill have more trips to go on because there are naturally more things to do. I havent watched a second of the stanley cup finals and I cant believe Lebron lost. Hopefully Ill be writing more this month here but I dont know. Anything worth doing is worth doing right.



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